Thank you so much for your interest in making a donation to Dedham Choral Society.  We will happily list you as one of our sponsors in our concert program, unless you request to remain anonymous in the Concert Program Booklet Listing box in the following form.


Please use this form to make a much appreciated online donation to Dedham Choral Society (DCS). Items marked with a red asterisk (*) are required for processing.

^ Select "Yes" if you are currently a member singing with DCS?
^ Select your voice part above. Then click "Next" to continue.

Please click "Next" to continue. - - V

^          ^          ^          ^

^          ^          ^          ^

^ Please insert amount of your donation here
^ If you do not answer, your donation will be gratefully accepted for our general funds.
We do not sell our email list.
^ Does your employer offer gift matching?
^ Please Provide Employer Name & Address, so we may contact them regarding Gift Matching
^ if needed
^ We will gratefully recognize your donation in our list of sponsors in our concert program booklets, unless you elect to be listed as "Anonymous."
^ Insert your name(s) or "in honor of ___"/"in memory of ___," etc. If left blank and you did not answer "no" to the previous question about sponsor recognition, we will use the name provided at the top of this form.
^ This is the amount you input above
^ This is what we are charged by our transaction processor for handling this transaction.
^ Would you like to increase your donation to offset the cost we are charged for processing this transaction?

Please Click on the "Submit & Pay" button below to process payment.

If errors are detected, they will be flagged for correction before you can submit. Once submitted, you will be directed to PayPal, where you can pay by selecting "debit or credit card" even if you do not have a PayPal account (PayPal account not required). Once payment is completed, click on "Return to Merchant Site" to receive confirmation of your donation.  Thank you very much!